

#-*编码:UTF-8-*-#实验效果:pin中断函数测试#连接:Windows或Linux计算机连接Arduino主控制板,主控制板D8连接到按钮模块导入时间If no port number is entered, automatic detection will be performed # Board("uno", "COM36").begin()  # Initialization with specified port on Windows # Board("uno", "/dev/ttyACM0").begin()  # Initialization with specified port on Linux # Board("uno", "/dev/cu.usbmodem14101").begin()  # Initialization with specified port on Mac  btn = Pin(Pin.D8, Pin.IN)  def btn_rising_handler(pin):  # Interrupt event callback function   print("\n--rising---")   print("pin = ", pin)  def btn_falling_handler(pin):  # Interrupt event callback function   print("\n--falling---")   print("pin = ", pin)  def btn_both_handler(pin):  # Interrupt event callback function   print("\n--both---")   print("pin = ", pin)  btn.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=btn_falling_handler)  # Set the interrupt mode to trigger on falling edge # btn.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=btn_rising_handler)  # Set the interrupt mode to trigger on rising edge, and callback function # btn.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING+Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=btn_both_handler)  # Set the interrupt mode to trigger when the level changes  while True:   time.sleep(1)  # Keep the program running continuously